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Characters of Ink Adept



Years ago, Munayair left her family behind to pursue a future among the Ink Adepts, honing her magical gifts.

Munayair is a talented magician, especially in glyphs and chelka magic. However, since she is soft-spoken and hesitant, her gifts often go unrecognized. She and the other girls in her year are about to graduate, and she worries about leaving the safety of the Marble Hall and facing the turbulent Cold Lands. Secrets from her past are beginning to rise up to haunt her, and other signs appear to foretell looming disaster. Whether she wishes it or not, soon she will be out in the world and facing her own destiny.

Birthday: March 7th

Zodiac: Pisces


Hobbies: Horse riding, meditation

Favorite food: Stir-fried beef, veggies, and noodles
Favorite animal: Bear

Anjita Mahil

Born to simple shepherds in the southern Cold Lands, Anjita has an ambitious nature and a thirst to prove herself.

Anjita is bold and outspoken, determined to stand up for those weaker than herself. She has no patience for foolishness and will always go for the most obvious solution to a problem. While she is a talented magician and healer, her heart lies in fighting and weapons.

Birthday: December 31st

Zodiac: Capricorn


Hobbies: Archery

Favorite food: Porridge with butter and honey
Favorite animal: Eagle

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Hiding in the woods near the city of Adasari is a protector known as the Night Watcher. Like a shadow, his origins are mysterious, but he will always be there when he is needed.

Khuson is exuberant and lively, always cracking jokes and taking risks. He carries a beat-up old sword, but prefers to talk his way out of problems instead of resorting to violence. Everywhere he goes, he is sure to have friends.

Birthday: November 23rd

Zodiac: Sagittarius


Hobbies: People watching

Favorite food: Fresh bread
Favorite animal: Cat

Bast Hashemi

Tucked into a bend in the River Uttseema, a small fishing village has prospered into a large city. There are many who have profited from this change, and many who did not.

Bast's family has sailed on the river for generations, trading downriver with larger ships and cities. Their trade is all but dried up now, and Bast has taken to drowning his troubles in drink, and he is drunk more often than sober. However, there are those who can still see his potential.

Birthday: September 30th

Zodiac: Libra


Hobbies: Drinking, drumming

Favorite food: Lamb chops
Favorite animal: Duck

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