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Chelka Contest Entries!

Writer's picture: TatiAnna TibbittsTatiAnna Tibbitts

Here are the entries for my chelka contest! Each one was drawn by a very talented kid, and I love them all, so I'm going to let you guys pick! In the comments just let me know which one you think should be first, which should be second, and which should be third. On March 10th, 2021, I'll end the voting, tally them up, and announce the winners!

A chelka is a magically-powered construct in the world of Ink Adept. Chelka are silent and never speak. To communicate with their creators and others, they tap using a variation of Morse Code. They are powered by glyphs on forehead, wrists, and ankles. For special instructions, most chelka have an area on their head that is rewritable. Chelka MUST be built entirely from earth materials or they won't work. In the Cold Lands, chelka are used for a huge variety of mundane and/or dangerous jobs. Check out my website (link in bio) to learn more!

As a reminder, the prizes for the chelka contest are:

1st place: A free signed copy of Ink Adept, four character posters(Munayair, Anjita, Khuson, and Bast), and a mention of your chelka in the sequel to Ink Adept. 2nd place: A free signed copy of Ink Adept and two character posters (your choice of either Munayair, Anjita, Khuson, and/or Bast). 3rd place: A free signed copy of Ink Adept.

Gabe's Chelka:

Made for war

Covered in spikes

Dripping with oil to be set on fire

Used for kamikaze missions

Ella's Chelka:

Made for protection Nearly invisible when next to wood Knows martial arts Heavy Loyal

George's Chelka: Made for war Body covered in poison ivy oil Shell has moveable plates Emits poison gas to immobilize enemies

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