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Character Interview: Gora

Writer's picture: TatiAnna TibbittsTatiAnna Tibbitts

Welcome to another Saturday character interview! Today I'll be interviewing Gora Kinian, one of Munayair's friends and peers at the school of magic, the Marble Hall. She has a very different story and perspective from Munayair, so I'll let her tell it in her own words. To learn more about Gora, Munayair, the Marble Hall, and the world they are all living in, check out Ink Adept on!

Gora Kinian

What is your full name?

Gora Kinian.

Do you have any nicknames?

No, why would I? My name means "beautiful one," which suits me very well. Besides, nicknames are childish, not suited for the daughter of a high-ranking government official.

Where were you born?

In Olaoak, the capital of Dakhosam, down south among the fjords. It is a beautiful place and I often miss the green and blue here in the desert sands.

The fjords of Dakhosam

Who are your parents?

My father is the adviser to the Khalifah of Arshvan, one of the kalifates of Dakhosam. My mother is the oldest daughter of a the king's second cousin, and we are invited to the palace every winter to celebrate Dhinse Zalgia.

Do you have any siblings? How do you get along with them?

I have an older brother and two younger sisters. I have been away from home for eight years, so I haven't seen them in a long time, but we were known to be an exemplary family among the elite of Dakhosamian nobility. My brother is much older and has been married and settled into a government position for some time now. I wonder how he will look to me when I return outranking him.

What is your hair color and eye color?

I inherited my mother's beauty, thank goodness! The women of her family are well-known for their thick black hair, pale skin, and green eyes. My father's family are unfortunately squat and run to pimples.

Gora fits the Cayori standard of beauty to the nth degree

To which social class do you belong?

The very highest! Everywhere I go, I can be expected to mingle with the wealthiest and most influential people. The Marble Hall prides itself on mixing all social stratum, but I take care to surround myself with only the best and brightest. One day, they will all benefit from having known me.

Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

As a child, I was surrounded not only by tutors but also by the brightest minds in the world. Since magic runs in my father's family, my parents trained me up to be an adept from a tender age. They expect great things from me, and I intend to make them proud.

What do you consider your greatest achievement so far, why?

The day I was selected to enter the Marble Hall as a prentice. I was already two years older than my third cousin had been when she was discovered, and my parents were beginning to fear the worst. But then Journeyer Raihani arrived, looking just for me. The relief of that moment! I don't know what I would have done if I had not inherited the magical gift. Taken vows and become a monk, probably.

What are your religious views?

Like all good Dakhosamians, I am a devotee of the five gods. Although I mostly pray to the Lady of Spirit, as is only right for an Adept of the Word, I also take offerings to Napai Waveroarer, who oversaw my birth. It is never smart to alienate someone so powerful.

Born September 5th, Gora is a child of Napai, god of the sea

What are your political views?

For the monarchy, of course! What happened in Andustava all those years ago was quite shocking. Democracy? Hah, more like allowing ignorance and malevolence to rule. Their queen is just a puppet, for all that she pretends otherwise. Pirate queen, what a joke. The mad ruler of a mad country.

Do you believe in the existence of true love?

I used to, but now I know it is just a story told to children. Like my parents, I will marry the person who will be most beneficial for our family's political, social, and financial gain. Perhaps that person will be my one true love, but the odds are against it.

While she expects to marry well, Gora does not expect to marry for love

What do you measure success in?

How sought after you are for your skills, knowledge, wit, and so on. I will know I am truly successful when a wealthy person travels across the Cold Lands to seek my wisdom.

Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

I know so many people and have cultivated so many relationships that I would have someone to turn to no matter where I was, or what situation I found myself in. Also, possessing a large fortune doesn't hurt either. Money opens every door.

Gora comes from a wealthy and powerful family with many connections

Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

It is not so much that I take such a role upon myself. Rather, people recognize my native skill and aura of leadership. Perhaps my noble heritage shines on my face.

If you could choose, how would you want to die?

Comfortably in bed! I hope to have a large family, and I would like to look at their faces before I go.

What smells do you associate with your childhood, and why?

Whenever I smell walnut, I recall the walnut cookies we used to have every day with a cup of tea. They were so delicious ... warm and buttery. Their scent lingered on your fingers for a long time after. Nothing as fine as those cookies is served to us students here at the Marble Hall. I look forward to returning home and eating an enormous plateful.

Walnut cookies are Gora's favorite snack

Thanks for joining me for another character interview! To read more about Gora and her world, pick up your copy of Ink Adept in the Kindle store on!

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